Our Fish

Trawlers using the port of Brixham land over 40 different species of fish. Some of them are seasonal and some are more plentiful than others.
We pride ourselves on the QUALITY of our fish. We believe this to be second to none. Just ask those who buy from us!
Find out more about our fish below.
Mainly caught Autumn through to Spring by rod and line, or netted. A top quality fish.

Haddock is similar to cod in habitat and prefers the colder waters. We only see a few of these from the local boats and the majority are landed to us overland by the Newlyn netters.

The majority of these fish are caught and landed by the larger boats. This is a fish with a delicious taste but doesn’t seem so popular with the general public.

Ling similar shape to a conger eel. Great to eat but not as popular as cod or pollock.

Landings of cod are relatively small in Brixham as it is mainly sourced from the cold waters of the Atlantic. Our inshore trawlers will catch them in February and March.

Sea Bass
A fish that we see all year round although we land higher quantities from Autumn through to Winter. The majority of the bass landed is rod and line caught. These are caught by our local boats and also twice a week our refrigerated lorry collect landings from Weymouth/Portland to be sold at the Brixham fish auction.

Red Mullet
Caught by the trawlers mainly in mid channel. They are fished all year long but the main season is from late September through to December.

Caught all year round mainly by the Newlyn netters in the Irish Sea. These are transported overland to be sold at Brixham fish market auction.

John Dory
John Dory tend to be caught in the Winter months by the larger boats, and by the smaller boats in the summer months of June to August. They are never caught in vast numbers. However, they are a very tasty and sought-after fish.

Another fish that we catch all year round with higher quantities seen in Winter through to Spring when they come in to spawn, usually in January and February.

Generally caught in deeper water west of start point. Monk is available throughout the year but is more popular in the Winter months. This is a prime fish and is a must on any fish restaurant menu.

Conger Eel
Found around wrecks or rough ground areas. A favourite with anglers but often caught by trawlers after a severe gale that has washed them out into the open seas. Demand for these fish can be intermittent.

Cuckoo Wrasse
Tend to be found around rough patches or wrecks and caught in small numbers.

Bream (Black, Red, Couches)
Caught off the coast of Weymouth and around the Channel Isles and mainly transported overland to be sold at auction here in Brixham. We may see the occasional boat landing a few boxes in Brixham. They tend to be landed in Winter through to late Spring.

Found in large numbers and widespread across the fishing grounds. Tthis hardy fish is mainly caught and used as a bait for whelk and crab fishing.

All fish can be part of a healthy diet but mackerel especially as they are a great source of omega 3. Mostly caught by inshore boats and a lot is handline caught.

Sprat is another pelagic fish and caught by our mid-water Trawlers in August through to January. Small and delicious fish often eaten whole.

The anchovy tends to be more of a Mediterranean fish but in the latter years this pelagic fish has been more frequent to our waters with some large catches made by our mid-water trawlers. Mainly caught in the months October to December.

Part of the herring family and often known alternatively as Pilchard. This can be confusing as they are the same species. Whatever you call them, they are delicious when grilled and a great source of omega 3.

Herring are seasonal and are caught by inshore netters during the summer months. The larger pelagic trawlers catch them in the autumn and winter months.

Dover Sole
One of the most profitable and highly sought after fish landed in Brixham and is found all around the UK.

Sand Sole
Fished all year round but found in more abundance throughout the winter. Mainly caught by the beam trawlers, however not seen in quantity like the Dover Sole.

Lemon Sole
This very popular fish is mainly seen in inshore around December through to April and caught mainly by the dayboat fleet.

The majority of Turbot are caught by beam trawlers and scallopers with a much smaller quantity caught by the day boats. Although they are caught all year round, we tend to see them in large quantities between February and April.

Plaice are another widespread fish caught in large quantities mainly from April to August. Distinguished by the red spots on its body.

A flatfish normally found on a sandy or muddy sea floor. Sometimes known as megrim sole or Cornish sole. Most of the catch landed in Brixham is exported to France and Spain.

An abundant fish caught throughout the year by all types of fishing boats. Found all over open ground with some fine specimens caught down by Start Bay.

Caught all year round but at certain times they will be more abundant but never in huge quantities.

Ray Wing (Blonde)
These are caught all year round butour smaller boats tend to catch more during the Summer months. Caught in the sandy areas off the Skerries or near the Salcombe shoreline.

The flounder spends most of the winter months in river estuaries and comes out to spawn early spring which can be found in large numbers. Flounder is an acquired taste and for many they taste too earthy hence most are used for crab, lobster and whelk bait.

The main season for them is September through to April. Very intelligent creature which is mainly exported into Europe.

Can be seen all year round but more prolific from August through to December.

The highest fish by volume and value landed at Brixham. The cuttlefish season starts around September and continues through to April. Cuttlefish are prolific feeders and can eat the equivalent of their body weight every day. Known in Brixham as “black gold”.

Crustaceans & Shellfish
Brown Crab
Brown Crab (or “edible” crab) is always very popular although there are not vast amounts landed on our market. Most crab is landed directly from boats to processors. Crab is more abundant in the winter months and Brixham crab in particular is the finest you can buy.

Lobsters are one of the most expensive shellfish to buy and always in high demand. They are mostly landed by inshore crabbers during the summer months.

Scallops are caught using many methods of fishing including dredging, beam trawling and hand diving. They are caught all year round and always fetch a decent price.

Crayfish is the most expensive shellfish to buy. Apart from having no claws and a distinctive red colour it is very similar to the lobster.